In today’s world people are too busy to even think and react to a random thought. Social media and virtual games have hacked many of our brains (Not all). Of course, we do react to some of the thoughts that are generated in brains but they are mostly again controlled by the virtual world. We are mostly living in a cosmos that is controlled by someone, who is thinking, converting that thought into an idea, dealing with the problems occurred when the idea is implemented, and finding solutions to the problems. Ideally, we may call this process TIPS.
T — Thoughts
I — Ideas
P — Problems
S — Solutions
Well, Let me ask you 3 simple questions,
- Do we ever wonder what newborn babies think about?
- Do we ever wonder what your pet thinks about?
- Do we ever wonder what a blind person thinks about?
I guess many of us have thought about the first question (at least once), but what about the rest? Honestly, I never thought about it until a year ago, last year I went to Cambridge and saw Issac Newton’s house and his famous apple tree. I was just wondering, “Did Newton really have a random thought about gravity, or was he already researching about it and the apple just gave him an answer ?” Then I realized, all the discoveries in the world happened only because of a “Thought”. A thought has the power to strengthen the brain and also has the power to destroy it. A very good example is the atomic bomb, the research started in Germany only to show that we are powerful, instigated America to make the first atomic bomb. Today nuclear power is used to generate electricity (having its risks), but the sad reality is that the result of the first thought of the atomic bomb led to destruction. So, we all get random thoughts but the one which we start thinking would convert into an idea. This idea could be pre-existing but still, we may not know about it. Every innovation that we see today is started with a simple thought, but what I believe is that this thought could have been running in some other people’s brains as well but, they didn’t take the risk to convert this into an idea or they haven’t got the support to implement this idea. So, thoughts and Ideas correlate a lot but we can come up with a solution only when we take the risk to face the problem while implementing it.
Let’s get back to the question, “Do your pet thinks about something?”, Yes! They do think. But the exact thoughts that run through their brains are still not very sure (many studies are being done on it). Mostly, they would be thinking about the instructions that the owners give to them. They identify patterns and these patterns would lead to an idea that they try to implement and some do come up with a solution. Well, to make it more simple, consider the example, dogs love to play with balls, you through a ball and it instantly runs to get that back. Let’s assume you take your dog for a walk every morning and while returning home you play the ball game. You do this for a week. On the 8th day, if you forget to bring the ball with you, your dog would try to communicate with you (in its language of course), so it is understanding the process.
Now, the next day you take your dog to another park that has a small pond, and throw the ball to the other side of the pond, your dog instantly starts calculating, and some random thoughts are generated such as “to jump into the water and swim to the other side”, “Take a different path”, “if it wants to take a different path, is there a different path?”, all these are been generated in its brain, it converts one of these thoughts into an idea and take the risk to get the ball. Pets do think but where do these thoughts come from (some come through our instruction training), many of them are randomly generated in their brains which are still unanswered.
Blind people do think, but in case of blind people, if they have lost their eyesight due to an accident or any medical condition, then they have already seen some parts of the world, so they might get thoughts about these, but if they are born blind then that’s where things get interesting. Because they never saw the world, they don’t even know how they look, so the only way they think is through understanding things that were narrated by their parents, friends, or partners.
They just remember things and try to create a map but do their brains generate thoughts randomly and do they pick one of them which forms an idea? Well, we have the Braille script invented by “Louis Braille”, which we can see on all the country currency notes as well.
How do we filter our thoughts?
Every human being has random thoughts, but only a few master in controlling them and choosing the wise thought to think about. Consider a small example, we generally go out for a walk and we see many people walking on the streets, some may look very attractive to us, so instantly we want to grab their attention, and suddenly his/her partner shows up. Very instantly we stop bothering about them because there is no need to have his/her attention anymore. Sometimes this may turn into jealousy, anger, and frustration (especially if you are single). Now, this may not happen to everyone, some may correlate this example some may not, but in our lives at least once we had this kind of situation where we respond to a thought but end up with nothing. So, these are mostly unwanted thoughts generated by our brain depending on our situation, mood, and even age. These mostly help in dopamine release, nothing much productivity. If we start responding to every thought then we are just wasting most of our time, because they are mostly interlinked with our emotions. Emotional thoughts are the most dangerous because if you start responding to them, they provoke you to take bad decisions which can sometimes end your life. The key to filtering thoughts is to understand “what we need?”, “Why do we need it?” and “Is it a necessity?”. If we try to answer these questions most of the thoughts just vanish then and there. Many say that control our thoughts, but the reality is that we cannot control them, but we rather need to focus on controlling our responses to every thought.
The brain is a very complex model, we are building AI and making advances, but still, we are way behind in understanding our brain 100%. We still don’t know where these thoughts come from, but if we start responding to valuable thoughts then they transform into ideas, and if we take enough risk to face the problems while implementing the idea we end up finding a solution and which becomes an innovation. Most of the innovations in the world we see are because of this mechanism which I call TIPS (Response to valuable Thoughts, Transforming them into Ideas, Taking the risk to face Problems and Start fining solutions).