It’s common for people to categorise things, feelings, emotions, and even others based on their experiences, education, and upbringing. This can be fine as long as it doesn’t harm anyone’s feelings. One of the common areas where this categorisation occurs is in body types: fat, skinny, fit, and bulky. Among these, two body types stand out: lean and bulky, while fat and skinny are often associated with genetics. While individuals can transform their bodies, genetics do play a significant role. Let’s delve into the era of Homo sapiens, where men hunted and women made decisions. You can imagine men as kings and women as ministers; without a good minister, there’s no good king (history seldom shows otherwise). Women carefully chose men to father their children, prioritising qualities that would ensure strong and intelligent offspring. One of these qualities was a good physique — strong and muscular.
As human evolution progressed, preferences evolved too. Now, men and women seek partners based on factors beyond looks and body types, such as status, respect, and character. However, beneath these surface attributes, the desire for a strong and fit partner remains. A well-built physique can instil pride and boost confidence. Imagine feeling unwell and wanting to lean on your partner’s shoulder. Would you prefer strong, capable shoulders or weaker ones? More often than not, strong shoulders would be preferred. While warmth and caring are paramount, a strong physique can offer added comfort. Maintaining a healthy physique is thus a commendable choice for a fulfilling lifestyle.
Having a well-maintained physique undoubtedly contributes to a person’s confidence. It’s not just about standing out from the crowd; it offers a tailored advantage, aligning with individual needs and goals. To illustrate, consider a high-end car purchase. While acquiring it may be a testament to one’s financial stability, the real challenge lies in its upkeep once it’s in the garage. Maintaining such a vehicle demands time, patience, and constant vigilance. Similarly, maintaining a good physique is no easy feat. It requires dedication and discipline, qualities that aren’t easily cultivated. Consistency is key, even when motivation wanes. It’s about mastering self-control and enduring discomfort for long-term gains. Each person’s journey toward discipline is unique, shaped by their goals and aspirations. This notion of “own discipline” underscores the individualised nature of personal growth. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach; rather, it’s about forging a path that aligns with one’s ambitions.
Achieving a desired physique depends on individual circumstances and the specific goals they aim to achieve. Nowhere in the world is it written that only celebrities or influencers must maintain a certain level of fitness — it’s a personal choice. While some may argue that being out of shape is a matter of choice, deep down, it often stems from a fear of stepping out of one’s comfort zone.
Opting to prioritise physical fitness requires sacrifices, and it’s not an easy decision. Many prefer to remain within their comfort zones, enjoying their favourite indulgences without considering the impact on their bodies. However, this can lead to a lack of respect for one’s own health and well-being. While it may seem harsh, it’s essential to acknowledge that once we attain something, we must maintain and cherish it. Our bodies are something we’re born with, without any say in the matter. Alongside property and beauty, they’re one of the few things bestowed upon us without our choosing. However, pride can be found in how we care for our bodies. Instead of indulging our every craving to satisfy our taste buds, we should prioritise nourishing our bodies for long-term health and vitality. Making the choice to step out of our comfort zones and prioritise our health is the first step towards achieving a desired physique.
Understanding the actual feeling of embarking on a fitness journey is crucial. Often, individuals seek assurance of results before they even begin, as this serves as motivation to pursue their goals. If someone were told to commit to daily gym sessions with no guarantee of achieving their desired physique, their initial enthusiasm might wane, and doubt would likely creep in. The key lies in comprehending the direction one is headed and acknowledging their starting point. It’s essential to understand one’s body type and identify the necessary adjustments needed to progress. While the transformation may not happen overnight, consistent effort is paramount. Even when faced with challenges or setbacks, perseverance is essential. Maintaining this mindset is crucial, as gradual progress will eventually become evident. Over time, as changes become apparent, a profound sense of appreciation for both body and mind will develop. Achieving a desired physique instills a newfound confidence, allowing individuals to perceive themselves in a positive light. Despite inevitable moments of difficulty or feelings of inadequacy, looking in the mirror will evoke a sense of self-respect and admiration. Ultimately, everyone desires to feel proud and appreciative of themselves, especially when confronted with their true selves in front of a mirror.
Do we need to make significant sacrifices on the path to fitness? I wouldn’t characterise it as sacrifice. Instead, it’s about optimising our choices and using resources efficiently rather than squandering them. It’s akin to satisfying a craving rather than a true hunger. Understanding the distinction between these urges is vital. Hunger may prompt an urge, but not all urges stem from hunger. Consider the desire for certain indulgent foods like pizza, pasta, or high-calorie drinks. Even when not particularly hungry, the urge to indulge may arise. However, the key to maintaining fitness lies in resisting these urges unless genuinely hungry. It’s about retraining the brain to differentiate between genuine hunger and mere cravings. With consistent practice, the brain learns to refrain from conjuring images of unhealthy foods, except in specific circumstances, such as rare indulgences during special occasions or unique culinary experiences. Ultimately, it boils down to the choices we teach our brains to make. By making conscious decisions to prioritise health and wellness, we can reshape our brain’s responses and begin to notice positive changes in our overall well-being.
The main question is: Is attaining a desired body type appropriate for everyone? This can be a contentious issue, but let’s draw a parallel with race for context. Throughout history, certain skin tones have been unjustly deemed superior to others. However, scientifically and logically, skin colour holds no sway over a person’s cognitive abilities or compatibility with others. This notion of superiority based on skin colour stems from individuals seeking power over others and exploiting skin colour as a means of achieving it. While this comparison may not directly apply to body types, the fundamental reasoning remains consistent. Unlike skin colour, body type is not a matter of choice. It’s influenced by genetics, family upbringing, and environmental factors. Consequently, the decision to pursue a desired body type should be a personal one, rather than conforming to societal expectations or norms.